May 27, 2013

Why My Resume Doesn't Have A Skills Section

-Catching my earbuds before they fall out of my ears
-Making S'mores in the microwave
-Texting with my eyes closed
-Not following directions
-Knowing all of the songs on the radio

May 21, 2013

Things You Probably Don't Know About Me And If You Do Then You Are A Stalker Or You're My Mom And If You are My Mom, Hi Mom

-I always use the last/biggest stall in the bathroom (please tell me I am not the only one who does this)
-Apparently I'm missing the asparagus pee smell gene (hey I'm not complaining)
-I have two dark splotches on my left leg
-I once fell out of a helicopter (and broke my leg)
-The only show i have ever finished start to end is Dead Like Me
-I have kissed a total of eight people
-I had my first kiss at age four (he was 3, we share the same birthday, February 14th)
-I have a picture of it
-I have a group record in the Guinness Book Of World Records for the worlds largest scavenger hunt (GISHWHES)
-I am writing a comic book
-I have a speech impediment (not an accent like a lot of people think)
-I was born on a Tuesday
-I almost drowned once
-I had Absonce Seizures when I was a kid (but I grew out of them)
-I often pass out if I start bleeding
-I kind of like skunk smell (although I probably wouldn't like it if a skunk sprayed me)
-I used to chew a pack of gum a day (yes I was a pack a day girl)
-I put BBQ sauce on everything (seriously I do)
-I have read The Thief Lord 13 times
-My first concert was A Capella
-I am home schooled
-I have a pet cockatiel (named after Peregrine Took from Lord Of The Rings)
-I once had my nose pierced
-also my ears
-I was born in Ames Iowa (not in East L.A.)
-My i-pod volume has to end with a two (2,12,22,32,42,52,62,72,82,92, ideally 52, 62 and 72)
-I have a toothbrush at Cara's house
-I have loud drinking noises
-I eat my food from the outside in even if it's in a bowl
-I don't like soup

This is all I can think of right now, there are a ton of other things that I have suddenly slipped my mind. 

May 7, 2013

Interview With The Vampire... I Mean Myself

****Note: This is what happens when you interview yourself

Camille with her long time friend Karla, her brother Luis and her own brother Kevin 

You've been a writer for over 11 years, what was your first story?
Lets see, I was in first grade. As I recall it was evening and I had just gotten ready for bed. I was in my PJs. Earlier in the day I had gone to Badger Mountain Elementary's Book Fair and had bought myself a notebook. It was one of those skinny ones that come in those trifold things, with a pen and sticky notes. You know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I was laying down (like I am now) in what my family called The Rumpus Room. I remember having this idea about a story about a bunny named Boots. I wrote this story down in that notebook. It took up all of the pages. Course the notebook was small and I had very sloppy handwriting back then.  The next day, I typed it up. It came out to only be a paragraph long, a very short paragraph.  the finished product is accompanied by a drawing of a bunny drawn in either crayon or colored pencil. Ah memories

How do you deal with writers block?
Good question. What ever inspires you and gives you ideas, go and do that thing. Music inspires me so I listen to it almost 24/7. I like to listen to it while I'm thinking about what I am writing about and ideas come to me. I steal phases from song lyrics a lot because the people who write them are more poetic than I am. I actually get a lot of ideas while in the shower, so I now keep a dry ease marker in there so that I can write them on the shower walls. of you've been sitting and writing for hours and have hit a dead end, get up and take a break. Go for a walk, watch some T.V. or a movie or read a book. Do something that's not writing. But keep a notebook or your laptop nearby for when inspiration strikes.

What other challenges to you face as a writer?
Killing off characters is a big one.  I am very attached to all of my characters, even the evil ones.

And how DO you kill them off?
Channel your inner Steven Moffat. Forget all your feelings and pretend to be him. It works wonders. You can always write a fanfiction later where the character lives. I mean, no one has to read that.

So you're okay with fanfiction?
I embrace it! I love it! It inspires me! It is my hope that people write fanfiction for the stories I write. I mean 50 Shades Of Grey started out as a Twilight fanfiction and that got published!

What are your thoughts on that book?
That book is an abomination. Now I' not saying I'm against porn or smut, cause I'm not. But that is not porn!! I've read better than that!! Hell I've written better than that!!

So what is your favorite book then?
The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke. I read this book in either 5th or 6th grade. It enchanted me and I fell in love with it. My own copy is worn and the cover's about to fall off because I've read it so many times. 13 and a half to be exact.

Who is your favorite author?
Darren Shan, hands down!! He has this way of writing gory, graphic horror, with amazing characters and a plot that twists and turns but everything is interconnected and woven together. You don't want to put the book down! Go read The Demonata Series! Way better than Steven King! Man I want to write like Darren, that is my goal!

You don't like Steven King?
Ugh! He is so boring! I can't stand him! I read The Shining, my god! I had to force myself to keep reading it. That book was so boring, not to mention there was a lack of scary. Darren Shan does a much better job at scaring me.

Do you have a favorite poet?
I have two! Shel Silverstien and Dr. Seuss. And if you ask me why or tell me that Dr. Seuss was not a poet, I will eat your face off. It should be obvious why and if it's not [pauses] you are an uncultured swine and I probably won't like you. I also like Edgar Allen Poe and Shane Koyczan

What is your favorite among your own works?
I don't have one. I haven't written my best work yet. But for sake of this interview I'll say that my favorite is Night In The Rain.

What advice do you have to people who want to be better writers?
Writing is a very overlooked art form, but it IS an art, not EVERYONE can do it. my advice is to practice. I know this sounds cheesy and you've heard it before but you really do have to practice. Write at least once a day, twice if you can. Even if you don't have any ideas, just start writing. Whatever comes to mind, write it down. Even if by the end you have five pages of the word butts, that's fine. It still counts as practice. This method also helps with writers block.

Is there such thing as too much editing?
Yes and no. I believe in a shitty first draft and I try to not edit it until the draft is done but that hadly ever happens. I am constantly adding and revising sentences. So my first draft just merges into my final draft. Course when I'm done with my shitty "first" draft I copy and paste it into a new document and then edit it so I have the first version and then the edited version. But yes, you can edit too much. You could spend years editing something if you really wanted to.

Last question. You call yourself a wordsmith, why not call yourself a writer or an author?
I came across the term wordsmith when I was reading over a song my friend Cara was writing. She described Loki as a "tricky wordsmith" I loved the term and I've used it ever since. Why not author or writer? Writer is generic, my dad's a writer, he writes science papers. I wanted something more poetic and a little more descriptive on the kind of writing that I do. Also I haven't published anything yet so I'm not an author. 

July 4, 2012

Everything Is British And Everything Hurts or The Best Of The Brits or The Brit Awards or I'm So British or I Wish I was Born In England

My dad went to England, Britain, UK, The United Kingdom or whatever the hell you call it. 

I have decided to do a British appreciation post, so make some tea and biscuits and enjoy =D

British Music
The Beatles > "Help! Can anybody help?" I just found the greatest band in history 

David Bowie > Ziggy played guitar and had mismatched eyes 

The Sex Pistols > The first and most awesome punk rock band. God Save The Queen!

Coldplay > If you don't like them then "I will try to fix you"

The Cure > Whenever I listen to you "You make me feel like I am home again"

Asking Alexandria > They are "Rock and roll at it's fucking finest"

You Me At Six > "If I were in your shoes" I'd listen to this band

Queen > You are "Under Pressure" to like this band

Siouxsie and The Banshees > This band has me "Spellbound"

The Who > If you don't know who they are, you are dumb 

The Smiths > "You've got everything" if you listen to them

Bauhaus > "Bela Lugosi is dead, he's dead" but this bands music will live forever 

Enter Shikari > "It is fate" you shall like this band

Iron Maiden > "I can hear them floating on the wind"

One Direction > This band "Stole My Heart"

(I apologize if your favorite band is not on this list, a full list of English bands can be found here

British TV:
Doctor Who > You will never forget your first Doctor

Sherlock > You are going to deduct that this show is the bomb!

Downton Abbey > This is a bloody good show

Torchwood > Doctor Who spin off series staring Captain Jack Harkness, what's not to love?

(All British television programmes are here

British Actors:
All British actors are amazing so they all go on here 

British Books:
Harry Potter > If you don't like this story, please go away =]

Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit > Do I even have to explain why these are good?

Any thing by Jane Austen, Charles Dickens or William Shakespeare

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy > More proof that England is awesome. Seriously read these books

Lord Of The Flies > Iconic book for boys

Alice Adventures in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass > This book is actually good

A Room With A View > I've heard this is a good love story. 

A Clockwork Orange > Good book, good movie

Dracula > I feel bad that I haven't read this yet

Sherlock Holmes > Read it!!

Any thing by Agatha Christie

Okay pretty much any classic book can go on this list

(Full list here

British Movies:
 This list will be too long so here is a helpful link

We must not forget about their very sexy accents and their tea and crumpets 

So there you have it. England is pretty awesome!!

March 2, 2012

Your Favorite Rockers, Their Favorite Records
Guest List
This month
Camille Panetta

WHAT IS MY FAVORITE BAND YOU ASK ME? It really comes down to two albums. It would be sinister to just pick one. But I have to pick so here's the story. When I we moved to Virginia in the middle of sixth grade, I started really listening to GOOD CHARLOTTE'S SELF TITLED ALBUM Which my mom gave to me in third grade to steer me away from pop. As soon as Joel Madden said “This is to everyone who got picked last in gym class, to every one who never had a date to no school dance, to every one who's ever been called a freak, this is for you” I was hooked. It was like he was singing to me, for me. Like he knew my life. I felt a huge connection. It really changed me forever. Including the fact that from that point on I liked boys with eyeliner and piercings. I blame Benji Madden for that. Man, I loved that bad boy/rebel look.
I never had the right friends in middle school so I turned to music when I was lonely, which was a lot of the time. This album helped me stay strong when things got bad. Little Things became my anthem. Good Charlotte didn't write songs, they wrote anthems. Their songs were catchy but had really meaningful, inspiring lyrics. The lyrics spoke to me in a way no other band had. From Waldworf Worldwide telling me it will be alright to Festival Song singing about not letting people control your life. It all shaped me in to the person I am now. The girl who's not so shy any more and is more true to herself then she was before.
If I had not put that record in my Cd player I would have never found all the bands I know today. I owe them so much. I started writing lyrics. They were in the same format as GC's songs. I tried to put my feelings in to the song and tell a story the way they did. I could never get it quite right they had a special talent. A song that told a story that wasn't a country song, it was good stuff. A catchy song that had a punk rock edge. That's what I wanted but songs that had more edge. All of this added up is what makes Good Charlotte an amazing album.
After you check out Good Charlotte, make sure to pick up Black Angels new album, Bands That Don't Exist, out now on Hellcat Records

June 4, 2011

West Coast V.S. East Coast or Why The West Coast Wins or Rather California Does

Taco Del Mar (drive thru tacos!!)
Carls Jr. (it's not Hardees people!!)
Jack In The Box (home of the best milkshakes)
Warm Oceans (= more surfing and beach fun)
No Winter (duh!!!)
Napa Valley (don't wine)
San Francisco (San Fran)
Los Angeles (city of angels) (L.A.)
San Diego
Sacramento (Sacyourtomato)
Disney Land so beats Disney World!
Hello people this is California!!
San Francisco 49ers
California Girls (uh... DUH!!)
Beverly Hills (that's where I wanna be!)
Do I really Have To Explain This To You????
The West Is Just Sooooo Much Better


Air Travel

So many people travel on planes it's crazy!!!!!

business people
frequent flyers

Airplane/Airport 101

First time on a plane?
1. you are not going to die
2. listen to the flight attendants so you know how to buckle your seat belts
3. peanuts and pretzals are not very good
4. cookies are the winners
5. no cash pay by credit card
6. soda and juice is free
7. alcohol is not
8. ask for blankets and pillows if your sleepy
9. headphones are $2
10. bring earplugs if you don't like crying babies
11. change your babies dipper people it smells
12.chew gum when it's time to land you'll thank me
13. yes there is a bathroom
14. yes there is a sink

At the airport?
1. don't dilly dally 
2. food is expensive
3. gift shops are fun
4, don't miss your flight
5.carry on is advised 
6.locks on luggage are stupid!

May 17, 2011

10 Ways How to Spot a Tourist

1. they are fat (generally)
2. they travel in groups (2 females, 2 males) (family with toddlers)
3. fanny packs (bleh)
4. maps
5. they are seen at amusement parks/museums
6. fast food!
7. all year long (geesus do they ever go away?)
8. can be seen in gift/souvenir  shops
9. travel in vans!

May 16, 2011

100 Things

1.I'm a vegetarian/vegan
2.I'm kinda crazy
3.I'm single and hating it
4.I love bubbles
5. Is a fun button to push
6.I owe my mom 57 dollars :/
7.In live in the most boring state EVER!!!
8.I need a job
9.My BFFFLTTWEAB lives across the country
10. best friend forever for life till the world ends and beyond
11.this cable is not recommended for this phone 
12.I'm on my laptop
13. is my favorite number
14.I have kissed a girl and she had cherry chapstick xD
15.why am I doing this?
16.that's how old i am, i don't have a car
18.or a liecence 
19.or a permit
20.i'm bored are you?
21.i wish i could legally drink
22.this is tedious
23.charlie is so cool like
24.dan is not on fire
25.dan is on fire
26.charlie the unicorn bit my finger
27.DONT BE STUPID (said in an english accent)
28.because your cardboard
29.oh no im so old
30.and now im officially old
31.the years go by and by and then you die
32.6:17 pm am i doing this for again
34.i love you
35.draft saved 6:18 pm
36.FINE! be stupid
37.getting old again
38.and again
39.and again
40.years oh shit
41.why is fuck a bad word
42.that's good do that
44.onision has brain herpes? kevjumba a heterosexual bear wrestler?
46. the font fucking changed
47. search for because your cardboard on google and refreash the page abizzilion times thanks
48.ahhhh almost halfway
49.omfg im old
50.halfway done
51.must go pull weeds FML jk 
52.Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. This page checks to see if it's really you sending the requests, and not a robot
53.ok i have to go pull weeds be back soon pulling weeds so dont go away
55.he's lying
100.ok im done now!!